How to Insulate a Garage Door

Your garage is an extension of the comfort and energy efficiency of your house, not just a place to park your car or store stuff.

Step 1: Evaluate Your Garage Door's Insulation Needs

It's crucial to evaluate the insulation in your garage door before starting to insulate it.

Step 2: Choose the Right Insulation Material

It's crucial to evaluate the insulation in your garage door before starting to insulate it.

Step 3: Measure and Cut Insulation Panels

To cut the insulation material to size, take precise measurements of the garage door panels' dimensions.

Step 4: Attach the Insulation Panels

Secure the insulation panels to the interior of your garage door.

Step 5: Seal Gaps and Cracks

Use weatherstripping or caulk to seal any gaps, cracks, or joints on your garage door to improve its insulation even more.