Red Section Separator

7 Maintenance Tips for Sliding Patio Doors

Cream Section Separator

By setting a bi-monthly reminder for maintaining your doors, you may be able to keep your doors in tip-top shape.

Red Section Separator

Nothing makes you happier than clean, shiny windows. 

1. Clean the Glass

Red Section Separator

Both the interior and exterior frame of the door can be cleaned to maintain their appearance and to stop weathering damage to the outer frame seal.

2. Wipe Down the Frame

Red Section Separator

As frequent thoroughfares, sliding patio tracks undergo harsh wear from home dwellers with their dirty shoes, kids' crumbs, and pet hair.

3. Clean the Track

Red Section Separator

Doors will not stick and will be easier to open if the bottom tracks are lubricated. 

4. Lubricate the Tracks

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Your door's weatherstripping is no longer effective at shielding your house from icy or wet conditions if it is old and brittle.

5. Replace Worn Out Weatherstripping

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You might need to take the rollers out for more research if the door is old and difficult to open.

6. Replace Worn Out Rollers

Red Section Separator

Misalignment and rickety movement can be brought on by loud knocks, poor installation, and abusive use of the sliding door (slamming). 

7. Check the alignment of the door panels